The Precision Health Function aims to facilitate research by making genomic resources more accessible and useful to a wide variety of translational genomics and precision health researchers.

The HRPO Research Guide includes comprehensive information for WashU investigators. Precision Health faculty have assisted in developing guidance on genomic consent and return of results.”  

You may consider using Global Unique Identifiers (GUID) within your data. The GUID is a universal subject ID allowing researchers to share data specific to a study participant without exposing personally identifiable information (PII) and match participants across labs and research data repositories. This is required for data submission to NIMH Data Archive (NDA) and is generated by the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) GUID Tool. The GUID is not specific to genomic data sharing but could be useful for your study. Follow our guidance on creating GUIDs for your research project.

Watch Dr. Christina Gurnett discuss databases and data sharing in a lecture from the Spring 2023 Genomics in Medicine series.

ICTS Precision Health now offers assistance for investigators to submit human genomic data for sharing. Get more information on the Genomic Data Sharing page.