Venture Cafe – Ryan Duncan, PT, DPT and Catherine Lang, PT, PhD, Present: Better Living through Tech

September 19, 2019
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Venture Café St. Louis, 4240 Duncan Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110

Precision Medicine Thursdays at Venture Café
Attendance is FREE.  Registration available at the event.


Catherine Lang, PT, PhD, Professor of Physical Therapy, Neurology, Occupational Therapy, Associate Director of Movement Science Program, Washington University in St. Louis

Use of technology to measure human movement in the real world
What people are capable of doing in the clinic during physical therapy sessions does not match what they actually do in real life. We want to bridge the researcher – clinician – consumer gaps in wearable sensors technology to measure movement in daily life.

Dr. Lang’s Presentation Slides

Ryan P. Duncan, PT, DPT, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis

How do we capitalize on technology platforms to deliver physical rehabilitation?
The use of technology to deliver physical rehabilitation is in its infancy. We will discuss how technology is currently used to track adherence to and modify treatment. Further, we will identify limitations associated with the use of technology in rehabilitation and discuss opportunities for optimization for both patients and clinicians.

Dr. Duncan’s Presentation Slides

On the third Thursday of every month , ICTS Precision Medicine hosts a session featuring WashU faculty working in translational genomics/precision medicine areas. Talks are typically oriented toward biotechnology, diagnostics, informatics, start-ups and precision interventions based on medical genomics innovations.